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Rund ums Studium


1287BSVo00Bachelorseminar VolkswirtschaftslehreBachelorseminar Energy Economics (SE)BachelorSoSe + WiSe
1287BAPVL1AM Projektkurs VolkswirtschaftslehreProject "Roadmap for carbon neutrality 2050: Long-term strategies and transformation paths"BachelorSoSe + WiSe
1287BAPVL1AM Projektkurs VolkswirtschaftslehreProject Energy TransionBachelor





AM Projektkurs VolkswirtschaftslehreProject in Energy and Environmental EconomicsBachelorWiSe
1289BAMEE1AM Ecological EconomicsEcological EconomicsBachelorWiSe
1289BSCTE1EM Current Topics in EconomicsCurrent Topics in Energy an Environmental PolicyBachelorSoSe
1289BAECC1AM Economics of Climate ChangeEconomics of Climate ChangeMES BachelorWiSe
1289BBEBN1CM Economy and Business in NatureEconomy and Business in NatureMES BachelorWiSe
1287MESEC1EM Seminar EconomicsSeminar in Energy, Resource and Environmental Economics (SE)MasterSoSe + WiSe
1289SMSE00SM Seminar in Energy, Resource and Environmental EconomicsSeminar in Energy, Resource and Environmental Economics (SE)MasterSoSe
1287MESEC1EM Seminar EconomicsEconomics of Renewable Energy Integration (HS)MasterWiSe
1289MEECC1EM Energy and Climate Change IEnergy Markets and Regulation (VO/UE)MasterWiSe
1289MEECC2EM Energy and Climate Change IIGrowth, Energy, Climate Change (VO+UE)MasterSoSe
1289MEECC3EM Energy and Climate Change IIIEnergy Market Modeling (SE)MasterWiSe
1289MEECC3EM Energy and Climate Change IIIEmpirical Methods in Energy Economic (SE)MasterSoSe
1289MEECC4EM Energy and Climate Change IVModel UNFCCC Climate Change StrategyMasterSoSe
1253MSSIC3SM Elective Corporate Development IIIDigitalization as a facilitator of the energy transitionMasterWiSe
1289MSCGS1SM CEMS Global StrategyGlobal Strategy (VU)MasterWiSe
1979PPPro1ProposalResearch Seminar in Energy Economics
PromotionSoSe + WiSe

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