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Economics of Thermo-Catalytic ReformingProf. BettzügeB.Sc. 
Energy vector ironProf. BettzügeB.Sc. 
Historical growth rates of energy technologiesProf. BettzügeB.Sc. 
Hydrogen markets – How do they look like and how do we model them?Prof. BettzügeB.Sc. 
A competition analysis along the wind generation value chainProf. BettzügeB.Sc. (MES) 
Cross-country comparison of implicit CO2-prices in residential heatingProf. BettzügeB.Sc. (MES) 
Cross-country comparison of implicit CO2-prices in road trafficProf. BettzügeB.Sc. (MES) 
Development of final consumption expenditure for electricity in Germany since 1990Prof. BettzügeB.Sc. (MES) 
Validation of intermittent energy generation modellingProf. BettzügeM.Sc. 
Makroökonometrische Zeitreihenanalyse der deutschen Industrieproduktion (germ. Fassung); engl. FassungDr. LindenbergerB.Sc. / M.Sc. 
Untersuchung des Pfades der deutschen Industrie im Faktorkostengebirge 1960-2013Dr. LindenbergerB.Sc. / M.Sc. 
Economic adaptation costs to climate change in GermanyProf. BettzügeB.Sc.RESERVIERT
Economics of small modular reactorsProf. BettzügeB.Sc.RESERVIERT
The impact of offshore wake effects on system planningProf. BettzügeM.Sc.RESERVIERT
Flexibility potential of Multi Family HousesJun.-Prof. RuhnauM.Sc.RESERVIERT
Review of the impact of Shale oil production on oil pricesProf. BettzügeB.Sc.RESERVIERT
A competition analysis along the hydrogen value chainProf. BettzügeB.Sc. (MES)RESERVIERT
A comparison of Italy’s and Germany’s conditions for a unique system marginal priceProf. BettzügeB.Sc. (MES)RESERVIERT
Backtesting of stated policy scenarios: A comparative analysis of past projections and real-world outcomesProf. BettzügeB.Sc. (MES)RESERVIERT
Impact analysis of the EU-ETS II in EuropeProf. BettzügeB.Sc. (MES)RESERVIERT
Lessons learnt of emission pricing in residential heating and road trafficProf. BettzügeB.Sc. (MES)RESERVIERT
An Empirical Estimation of Residential Electricity Demand Response to Dynamic PricingJun.-Prof. RuhnauM.Sc.RESERVIERT
Empirical Estimation of Learning Effects for Heat PumpsJun.-Prof. RuhnauM.Sc.RESERVIERT
Review of the development of the distribution grid in the German heating sector since 1950Prof. BettzügeB.Sc.RESERVIERT
Review of policy actions in the Danish heating sector since 1990Prof. BettzügeB.Sc.RESERVIERT
Changes in energy consumption for energy imports due to disruptions in the global energy supply chainsProf. BettzügeB.Sc.RESERVIERT
Underground Hydrogen Storage – Investigation of Technologies and CostsProf. BettzügeB.Sc.RESERVIERT
A Case study: Evaluating roof insulation using remote sensing thermal dataProf. BettzügeM.Sc.RESERVIERT
Decomposition analysis based on IPATHProf. BettzügeB.Sc.RESERVIERT
Imagining Consumption-Based Emissions in a World where Efficiency Gains have mostly PlateauedProf. BettzügeB.Sc.RESERVIERT
Hydrogen from photo-catalytic water splitting process – Technologies, Potentials, CostsProf. BettzügeB.Sc.RESERVIERT
Hydrogen Storage in geological formations – Potentials and Costs in EuropeProf. BettzügeB.Sc.RESERVIERT
Techno-economic assessment of cost of hydrogen from plasma cracking (in cooperation with iplas GmbH)Prof. BettzügeB.Sc.RESERVIERT
Identifying and comparing use cases for a large-scale deployment of plasma cracking as a source of clean hydrogen (in cooperation with iplas GmbH)Prof. BettzügeM.Sc.RESERVIERT
Meta-analysis: An Investigation into the Existence of the Green ParadoxProf. BettzügeB.Sc.RESERVIERT
Analysis of housing prices and the EU emissions trading systemProf. BettzügeM.Sc.RESERVIERT
Techno-economic assessment of cost and cost-development of gravity batteriesProf. BettzügeB.Sc.RESERVIERT
The future cost of green electricity?Prof. BettzügeM.Sc.RESERVIERT
On the current state of knowledge on Ammonia as a fuelProf. BettzügeB.Sc.RESERVIERT
Regional drivers of electric heat pump expansion and impact on regional electricity demandProf. BettzügeM.Sc.RESERVIERT
Influence of the trend from stationary to online retail on the CO2 footprint in Germany - status quo and forecastDr. EulB.Sc. / CEMS M.Sc.RESERVIERT
Levers and potentials for online retailers to reduce emissionsDr. EulB.Sc. / CEMS M.Sc.RESERVIERT
Regulatory options for increasing the sustainability of online retailersDr. EulB.Sc. / CEMS M.Sc.RESERVIERT

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