Economic adaptation costs to climate change in Germany | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. | |
Historical growth rates of energy technologies | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. | |
Economics of small modular reactors | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. | |
The impact of offshore wake effects on system planning | Prof. Bettzüge | M.Sc. | |
Validation of intermittent energy generation modelling | Prof. Bettzüge | M.Sc. | |
Flexibility potential of Multi Family Houses | Jun.-Prof. Ruhnau | M.Sc. | |
Review of the impact of Shale oil production on oil prices | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. | |
A competition analysis along the wind generation value chain | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. (MES) | |
A competition analysis along the hydrogen value chain | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. (MES) | RESERVIERT |
A comparison of Italy’s and Germany’s conditions for a unique system marginal price | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. (MES) | RESERVIERT |
Backtesting of stated policy scenarios: A comparative analysis of past projections and real-world outcomes | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. (MES) | RESERVIERT |
Development of final consumption expenditure for electricity in Germany since 1990 | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. (MES) | |
Cross-country comparison of implicit CO2-prices in residential heating | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. (MES) | |
Cross-country comparison of implicit CO2-prices in road traffic | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. (MES) | |
Impact analysis of the EU-ETS II in Europe | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. (MES) | RESERVIERT |
Lessons learnt of emission pricing in residential heating and road traffic | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. (MES) | |
An Empirical Estimation of Residential Electricity Demand Response to Dynamic Pricing | Jun.-Prof. Ruhnau | M.Sc. | RESERVIERT |
Empirical Estimation of Learning Effects for Heat Pumps | Jun.-Prof. Ruhnau | M.Sc. | RESERVIERT |
Review of the development of the distribution grid in the German heating sector since 1950 | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. | RESERVIERT |
Review of policy actions in the Danish heating sector since 1990 | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. | RESERVIERT |
Changes in energy consumption for energy imports due to disruptions in the global energy supply chains | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. | |
Underground Hydrogen Storage – Investigation of Technologies and Costs | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. | RESERVIERT |
A Case study: Evaluating roof insulation using remote sensing thermal data | Prof. Bettzüge | M.Sc. | RESERVIERT |
Decomposition analysis based on IPATH | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. | RESERVIERT |
Imagining Consumption-Based Emissions in a World where Efficiency Gains have mostly Plateaued | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. | RESERVIERT |
Hydrogen from photo-catalytic water splitting process – Technologies, Potentials, Costs | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. | RESERVIERT |
Hydrogen Storage in geological formations – Potentials and Costs in Europe | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. | RESERVIERT |
Techno-economic assessment of cost of hydrogen from plasma cracking (in cooperation with iplas GmbH) | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. | RESERVIERT |
Identifying and comparing use cases for a large-scale deployment of plasma cracking as a source of clean hydrogen (in cooperation with iplas GmbH) | Prof. Bettzüge | M.Sc. | RESERVIERT |
Meta-analysis: An Investigation into the Existence of the Green Paradox | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. | RESERVIERT |
Analysis of housing prices and the EU emissions trading system | Prof. Bettzüge | M.Sc. | RESERVIERT |
Techno-economic assessment of cost and cost-development of gravity batteries | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. | RESERVIERT |
The future cost of green electricity? | Prof. Bettzüge | M.Sc. | RESERVIERT |
On the current state of knowledge on Ammonia as a fuel | Prof. Bettzüge | B.Sc. | RESERVIERT |
Regional drivers of electric heat pump expansion and impact on regional electricity demand | Prof. Bettzüge | M.Sc. | RESERVIERT |
Influence of the trend from stationary to online retail on the CO2 footprint in Germany - status quo and forecast | Dr. Eul | B.Sc./CEMS M.Sc. | RESERVIERT |
Levers and potentials for online retailers to reduce emissions | Dr. Eul | B.Sc./CEMS M.Sc. | RESERVIERT |
Regulatory options for increasing the sustainability of online retailers | Dr. Eul | B.Sc./CEMS M.Sc. | RESERVIERT |
Untersuchung des Pfades der deutschen Industrie im Faktorkostengebirge 1960-2013 | Dr. Lindenberger | B.Sc./M.Sc. | |
Makroökonometrische Zeitreihenanalyse der deutschen Industrieproduktion (germ. Fassung) engl. Fassung | Dr. Lindenberger | B.Sc./M.Sc. | |