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Wintersemester 2022/23

Date Speaker Title
18.10.22 Dominic Lencz
Spatially allocating variable renewable energy - How curtailment and market design affect the deployment


Associate Prof. Dr. Honorata Nyga-Łukaszewska
Institute of International Economics at the Warsaw School of Economics
Energy demand security in the natural gas market

Dr. Iegor Riepin
Technische Universität Berlin

System-level impacts of 24/7 carbon-free electricity procurement in Europe
29.11.22 Prof. Dr. T. Hamacher, P. Kuhn
Technische Universität München
Economics of Storage Systems - Interpretation of the dual solution in Energy Models using Linear Programming
13.12.22 Dr. Lucie Louise Maruejols
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Predicting energy poverty with combinations of remote-sensing and socioeconomic survey data in India: Evidence from machine learning
20.12.22 Polina Emelianova 
Pia Willers
Discounting the future: The role of discount rates in energy system modelling
10.01.23 Lennard Sund
CGS University of Cologne

Driving Your Neighbours to Drive Electrically: Neighbourhood Effects on the Adoption of Electric Vehicles

17.01.23 Associate Prof. Dr. Kiryl Khalmetski
University of Bath
Behavioral economics and energy markets


Associate Prof. Dr. Marten Ovaere
Ghent University

Residential electricity flexibility and comfort boundaries: experimental and survey evidence


Nada Fadl
Universität zu Köln
Fabian Arnold

The impact of industries paying less for electricity: Evidence from panel VAR

Short-term price elasticity of electricity demand in Germany – new insights from high-price years

 (FS)  Forschungsseminar